
Know Your Faith

Baptism Team For Clonmellon/Killallon

If you would like be a member of our Parish Baptism team, please give in your name to the parochial house, or to any member of the PPA.

St Pauls U13 Winners

Congratutions to St Pauls  boys team who won the final last Sunday week.

Family Mass

There was a great turnout for our 1st family mass of the new year. Thanks to all the PPA sub commitee and everyone who took part. See the pictures below. Next family mass will be in February in Killallon church at 10am, Date to be confirmed.


Bible Study

Bible Study is not coming back until nearer to lent. Songs of Worship and praise will move to  Drewstown from 7:30-8:30pm., on the 28th of this month. This will be the venue going forward

PPA(Parish Pastoral Assembly)

We had fist meeting of the new year, on last Tuesday evening the 9.1.24 in the prayer room from 19:30-21:00 We talked about our progress our progress on our mission statement. We have it done now, just putting the final touches to it before it goes up in both churches. We also talked about final…