

The PPA had our last meeting of the year. We discussed how we have done over the year, and how we can achieve more, and get better in achieving our goals as a group. Suggestion box ideas we discussed. Our next meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of January 2025.


PPA had a great meeting on Tuesday night just gone.  There were a couple of suggestions from the suggestion boxes discussed.  Next meeting will be on the 2nd   Tuesday  of December. Forward any suggestions you have to any member of the PPA, or put in the suggestions boxes in each of the two churches.

November Offering List

Our sincere thanks to all those who generously support the November Offering List. If there are any more outstanding please send in to the Parochial house, thank you.

Suggestion Boxes

Suggestion boxes are now in place in the porches of both churches in our parish. The PPA welcome all suggestions from our parishioners. We thank you for your recent suggestions which were recorded at our last meeting and have been taken into consideration.

Bishops Pastoral Statement ‘Freedom to live fully until death comes’

Is available on the church notice boards, and will be shared in the coming weeks on the misalette.

Corpus Christi Procession 2024

Congratulations to everyone that took part in the Family mass last Sunday & the procession in honour of Corpus Christi
– P.P.A and Fr. Garland and Fr.…


Every Mon 2;30-8pm


1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month.